September 20, 2006

Auto Pilot !!

Ever imagined how 2 pilots fly a long distance Trans-Atlantic flight or any flight for that matter, when the flying time is more than 4 hours. Even for a 2.5 hour movie we need a break in between. Inside the flight, we folks happily sight adichify the cabin crew, grab a couple of drinks and enjoy some movie or music. If none of the above, we get a blanket and sleep till the crew wakes up for 'khaana'. So what makes the life of the pilots simple as well as ours lives safe? Ever thought about it ? It is nothing but 'Auto Pilot'. If you know a bit of Physics, then the definition is simple to understand. Autopilot is a link between Radar and Compass !!

In fact, most junta associate auto-pilot to air crafts. Its used in ships and boats as well as a self-steering gear. It can be electronic, mechanical or even hydraulic. In fact modern autopilots not only help in flying the aircraft, but also in taxi, take-off, ascent, level, descent, approach and landing phases. OK read more about this excellent invention in wikipedia. Me signing off now !!

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